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What You Should Know About Drugs

By: Beth Morrisey MLIS - Updated: 7 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
What You Should Know About Drugs

Drug and alcohol use results in scores of accidents injuries and even deaths among university students every year. To make sure that you don’t become a mere statistic, research what you should know about drugs and alcohol before you even consider partaking. This introduction will help get you started.

Steer Clear of Drugs

A wide variety of drugs exist for students to dabble with, including alcohol. Remember that these substances alter your internal chemical processes, which means that they can alter your state of mind, create hallucinations, affect your vision, coordination and speech, knock you unconscious, leave you unable to move, or even kill you. Drugs that you may have heard of before include:
  • Crack Cocaine
  • Krank (methamphetamine)
  • Crystal meth (methamphetamine)
  • Speed (methamphetamine)
  • Ice (methamphetamine)
  • Marijuana
  • LSD
  • PCP
  • Heroin
  • Ecstasy
  • Rohypnol/GBH/roofies/date rape drug
  • Ketamine
  • Steroids.
  • “Sniffing” or “huffing” inhalants like glue, nail polish remover, or cleaning products.
  • Prescription medicines such as:
    • OxyContin
    • Valium
    • Ritalin
    • Xanax
    • Vicodin

Avoid Alcohol Abuse

Those aged 18 and over may legally purchase and consume alcohol in the UK, but this does not mean that drinking it is entirely safe. Alcohol is a depressant that works to slow the body’s central nervous system, the same system that regulates functions like breathing, pulse and even body temperature. When too much alcohol is consumed, all of these processes, as well as your coordination and speech, can be interrupted. Too much alcohol consumed too quickly can also result in alcohol poisoning can cause death.

Make Up Your Own Mind

Often students are tempted to use, and abuse, alcohol because of peer pressure. If and when you decide to drink, make sure you are comfortable and clear in your own mind about why you have made this decision. If you ever do feel pressurised to consume alcohol, remember that there are many ways to turn down the invitation.
  • Say no thanks. No explanation is needed, so don’t feel compelled to offer one.
  • Plead homework or sports practice.
  • Offer to be the designated driver for the evening.
  • Tell everyone you’re not feeling well and wouldn’t want to get sick.
  • Pour yourself a drink such as lemonade, Coke or Red Bull and others might assume it’s an alcoholic drink with a mixer.
  • Say that you are on antibiotics and have been instructed not to drink.

Confront Substance Abuse

When someone’s consumption of alcohol or drugs becomes consistent and excessive, they are said to have a substance abuse problem. Quite often there are stereotypical behaviours which substance abusers may engage in which can have a huge impact on their futures. Look carefully at yourself and your friends to see if they exhibit any of these behaviours, including:
  • Dropping out of clubs and sports activities.
  • Missing lectures or skipping them entirely.
  • Ignoring schoolwork and failing exams.
  • Behaving aggressively or inappropriately towards others.
  • Gaining or losing a great amount of weight.
  • Sleeping too much or too little.
  • Stealing money or other items to help fund a habit.
  • Driving while under the influence.
  • Becoming very private and hiding away from the world.

Kicking Addiction

If you or someone you know is suffering from an addiction to alcohol or drugs, get them the help they deserve. Don’t hesitate to contact:
  • The Samaritans (08457 90 90 90)
  • Drinkline (0800 917 8282)
  • Narcotics Anonymous (0845 373 3366)
  • The National Drugs Helpline (0800 776600)
It may seem like alcohol and drugs are everywhere in our society, but that doesn’t mean that you need to use them. With such a bright future ahead of you why risk letting alcohol and drugs bring you down? Show yourself the respect you deserve, and don’t let drugs interfere with your plans.

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