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Below are our articles on the subject of Work. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Bar & Restaurant Work: Ownership of Tips
Bar & Restaurant Work: Ownership of Tips
The rules and regulations surrounding tips and gratuities as set out by HMRC Customs & Revenue and what employers and employees must do to comply with the legal position....
Contract of Employment as a Student
Contract of Employment as a Student
Contracts of employment may seem stuffy, unnecessary or even frightening, but their main purpose is to protect. This article offers students information as to the…...
Creating a CV and Cover Letter
Creating a CV and Cover Letter
Creating a CV and cover letter are the first steps in applying for a job. This article offers tips on creating a CV and cover letter for students....
Dressing for an Interview
Dressing for an Interview
Dressing for an interview can be nerve-wracking. This article discusses how to dress appropriately for an interview by doing some research beforehand, remembering to…...
Employment Reviews
Employment Reviews
Almost everyone hates annual employment reviews. This article offers students information on succeeding at, and learning from, their annual employment reviews....
Finding a Part-Time Job That will Suit You the Most
Finding a Part-Time Job That will Suit You the Most
Many students are attracted to the idea of part time employment. This article discusses how students can get the most out of a part time job by figuring out what (s)he…...
Finding Flexible Employment
Finding Flexible Employment
Many students choose to work a part time job. This article offers answers to frequently asked questions about working part time and finding a part time job....
Finding Meaningful Work Experience
Finding Meaningful Work Experience
Everyday students in the UK undertake work experience. This article offers advice on how work experience will help a student’s career, information on the different…...
Getting Along with Co-Workers
Getting Along with Co-Workers
Getting along with co-workers is a life skill that will serve you well no matter where you work. This article offers information on why you should try to get along…...
Looking for a Job Overseas
Looking for a Job Overseas
Looking for a job overseas can often feel like a job in itself. Becoming more familiar with how to search for such a position, apply for a job overseas, prepare to…...
Lunch and Dinner Interviews
Lunch and Dinner Interviews
Many companies woo graduates during lunch and dinner interviews. This article offer students tips on making their next lunch and dinner interview a success....
Networking as a Student
Networking as a Student
Networking is a skill that requires practice, but students usually have myriad events available for them to make new connections. Looking after your image, finding the…...
Questionnaire: Do You Have a Professional Image?
Questionnaire: Do You Have a Professional Image?
Cultivating professional images will serve students well as they leave education and enter employment. Reflecting on your own image and how you might add more…...
Reference Letters
Reference Letters
Reference letters are worth their weight in gold when you are searching for a job. This article offers students information on why reference letters are so valuable…...
The Basics on Interning and Shadowing as a Student
The Basics on Interning and Shadowing as a Student
Interning and shadowing are becoming popular types of work experience in the UK. This article offers students basic information on internships and shadowing…...
Tips & Advice for Successful Job Interviews
Tips & Advice for Successful Job Interviews
Interviews can be an ordeal. This article offers students advise on how to make their next interview a success....
Tips & Advice on Finding Your First Graduate Job
Tips & Advice on Finding Your First Graduate Job
Finding your first full time job can be a nerve-wracking experience. This article offers students tips to help speed their first job search....
Your Working Wardrobe
Your Working Wardrobe
Many students are baffled by the dress codes of modern offices. This article offers students advice on which wardrobe staples work for traditional, relaxed and…...